While so much of personal finance is common sense – don’t spend more than you make, don’t buy a house you can’t afford, start to invest money while you’re young
While the name may be amusing the reality of zombie debt is anything but funny. Zombie debt is old debt that has been written off years ago, only to be sold to
Giving money to philanthropic causes is important to many of us. Year end giving in particular is popular with both donors and charitable organizations. The
It seems like we’ve been conditioned to shop since birth. While an occasional splurge is nothing to get worked up about, we’ve become incredibly wasteful in
Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked financial questions.
I’ve just started my first job. Do I really have to start saving for
Remember Beanie Babies? In the late 1990’s, Beanie Baby mania swept the country, with amateur collectors searching frantically at every card shop and kids
Following a solid tax planning strategy throughout the year is an integral part of any financial plan, but there are special considerations to make as the year
In a recent survey by JumpStart Coalition for Financial Literacy, only 26 percent of those between the ages of 13-21 said that they had been taught how to
You’re on the verge of completing your paperwork when the dealer hits you with one more option: an extended warranty. While the thought of never having to pay
Diversification is one of the cornerstones of traditional investment advice. The most common saying we hear is “never put all your eggs in one basket” and the
During a crisis, you need answers, and your financial advisor knows this. It is a scramble to find the right information, and sometimes you do not even know
Paying fees for professional investment management is something we’d all like to avoid. Why pay for some guy in a suit to manage your investments when you can